MCDCR Ayureveda Specialities In Rheumatoid Arthritis, Allergy, Asthma, Pediatric Asthma, Migraine, Vertebrae’s And Spinal Cord Diseases, Osteoarthritis-Knee Joint, Gastro Diseases, Skin Diseases, Hair & Beauty And Diabetes.

Causes of allergies

Mainly due to an unbalanced diet that does not provide enough nutrition to the body, the body does not get the necessary nutrients and the immune system of the body weakens causing a disease called allergy. Other causes are hereditary-junk food-always working in dust, smoke, unbalanced diet etc.


Frequent colds, profuse sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, heaviness in the head, burning throat are all symptoms of allergy. Exposure to dust-smoke, rot, change in atmosphere, scented sprays, incense sticks, grains, rot from farm produce etc. causes sneezing. Runny nose, heavy head, burning throat. These allergies last from a few hours to several days. And many people have perennial colds. Which is an allergy.


In our allergy treatment, the patient's immune system is boosted by Ayurvedic treatment. In which the patient is diagnosed according to the age-impulse-pulse examination, and the allergy is cured permanently by strengthening the immunity and respiratory system through yoga-pranayam, food plan and accurate treatment.