MCDCR Ayureveda Specialities In Rheumatoid Arthritis, Allergy, Asthma, Pediatric Asthma, Migraine, Vertebrae’s And Spinal Cord Diseases, Osteoarthritis-Knee Joint, Gastro Diseases, Skin Diseases, Hair & Beauty And Diabetes.

Causes of digestive system diseases

Diseases of the digestive system are present in about 80% of individuals in a minor or major form. The main reasons are sedentary life, improper food system, junk food, lack of salad-fiber and nutrients in food, exposure, mental stress, addictions etc.


  • - Indigestion
  • - Loss of appetite
  • - Gas -Stomach is heavy
  • - Hyper acidity (stomach burning, chest burning, vomiting)
  • - Stomach ulcers
  • - Intestine ulceration, Inflammation
  • - Swelling of the liver
  • - Chronic constipation


In our center all new and old diseases of digestive system are cured from root through Ayurvedic treatment, Yoga, Food planning.